
How does EigenExplorer manage liquidity risks for Liquid AVS Tokens during market volatility?

Liquid AVS Tokens (LATs) can be thought of as the native AVS token plus its staking rewards. To mitigate liquidity risks in volatile markets:

  1. Public trading: Our primary liquidity mechanism is encouraging users to trade LATs on public markets. This allows users to exit positions quickly without impacting the underlying staked assets.
  2. Unbonding process: If trading is not preferable, users can unbond their LAT. However, this is subject to an unbonding period set by the EigenLayer contract, which helps manage large-scale exits.
  3. Diversification: By offering LATs for multiple AVSs, we provide users options to rebalance their portfolios rather than fully exiting the ecosystem.
  4. Liquidity incentives: We may implement liquidity mining programs to ensure sufficient liquidity across various market conditions.
  5. Risk monitoring: We continuously monitor market conditions and liquidity metrics to anticipate and prepare for potential liquidity crunches.

By combining these approaches, we aim to provide flexibility for users while maintaining overall system stability.

How resilient is EigenExplorer and the LAT to disruptions in the EigenLayer ecosystem, such as a major AVS or operator failure?

EigenLayer has established itself as a robust ecosystem with a diverse range of AVSs and the most built-out infrastructure and ecosystem support in the restaking space. This provides a strong foundation for our business model.

Our strategy to ensure resilience and maintain LAT liquidity focuses on:

  1. Instant Tradability: LATs are designed to be immediately tradeable, allowing users to exit positions without going through the unbonding process.
  2. Impact Isolation: Each LAT represents a single AVS, effectively isolating the impact of any individual AVS failure to its specific token.
  3. Operator Diversification: We diversify across multiple operators, minimizing the impact if any single operator fails.
  4. Active Monitoring and Governance: We continuously monitor the ecosystem and have governance mechanisms in place to quickly respond to and support the ecosystem in case of disruptions.

How does EigenExplorer ensure security for multi-AVS restaking with Liquid AVS Tokens?

The introduction of Liquid AVS Tokens (LATs) actually enhances our ability to manage security concerns in a multi-AVS environment. Each LAT represents a distinct AVS with its own specific risk and reward parameters. This clear delineation makes it easier for users and our platform to assess and manage the risks associated with each individual AVS.

When users compose multiple LATs into a portfolio, this granular risk visibility allows for more sophisticated and effective risk management strategies. Users can easily understand the risk profile of each component in their portfolio and adjust their holdings accordingly. From a platform perspective, we can implement more targeted security measures and monitoring systems for each AVS, rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach.

Furthermore, this structure allows us to isolate potential security issues to specific LATs, reducing the risk of systemic failures across the entire platform. We continuously monitor each AVS and its corresponding LAT, enabling us to quickly identify and respond to any security concerns that may arise. In essence, while the composability of LATs adds a layer of complexity, it also provides us with powerful tools for risk management and security enhancement. This approach allows us to offer users the benefits of composability while maintaining a robust security framework.

Revenue & Fee Structure

What is EigenExplorer’s primary revenue model and fee structure?

In short, fee will be taken from rewards only, while operator fee will remain untouched. You can read more about the fee structure here.


How does EigenExplorer differentiate from competitors such as Mellow and Stride and maintain its competitive edge?

EigenExplorer differentiates itself from competitors like Mellow and Stride in both technical and business aspects. Our Liquid AVS Token (LAT) addresses a specific need within the EigenLayer ecosystem that currently lacks native support for individual AVS restaking. Users in EigenLayer must go through operator delegation, which inherently involves AVS diversification. LAT’s core functionality is built directly on top of EigenLayer’s native smart contracts, giving us a significant advantage in this specific ecosystem.

From a technical standpoint, this means that competitors like Mellow and Stride would need to exit their current ecosystems and rebuild their technical architecture to offer similar functionality within EigenLayer. This barrier provides us with a strong competitive edge in the near term.

From a business perspective, it’s important to note that LAT is just the first step in our broader vision. We aim to drastically improve the way people restake, operate, and build AVSs. Our long-term plan to maintain our competitive edge involves continuous innovation and expansion of our product suite. We will leverage our deep integration with EigenLayer to develop additional tools and services that enhance the restaking experience for all ecosystem participants.


What are EigenExplorer’s long-term growth plans?

Our vision for EigenExplorer is to serve the general restaking market instead of individual restaking protocol. We believe that restaking represents the mechanism that can scale the usecases via lowered market entry for capability amending services, thereby create mass dadoption. In the long term, our scaling focus will be:

  1. Enhancing Restaker Yields and Asset Strategies: Developing solutions to maximize returns and accepted assets for restakers.
  2. Expanding AVS Ecosystem: Facilitating the creation and growth of an order of magnitude more AVSs.
  3. Diversifying Operator Sets: Enabling a more diverse and robust operator landscape.

We’re committed to exploring new opportunities in these three verticals, adapting our products and services as the market evolves. While currently focused on EigenLayer, our long-term strategy involves creating solutions that could potentially work across different restaking protocols.